HSC ইংরেজি গ্রামার pdf | Advanced English Grammar For HSC Exam 2022

HSC ইংরেজি গ্রামার pdf | Advanced English Grammar For HSC Exam 2022

Advanced English Grammar ( For HSC Exam 2022 ) সম্পূর্ণ PDF

Advanced Learner's Communicative English Grammar & Composition বইটির PDF ফাইল ডাউনলোড করে নিন নিচের লিংক থেকে Download

টেন মিনিট স্কুল নিয়ে এসেছে, HSC English Grammar Crash Course, যার মাধ্যমে একজন শিক্ষার্থী কলেজ খোলার পূর্বেই তার HSC ইংরেজি গ্রামার সিলেবাস শেষ করে ফেলতে পারবে, যেহেতু ইংলিশ ক্লাসগুলো বেশ মজার সাথে শেষ করা সম্ভব তাই একজন শিক্ষার্থী বাসায় বসেই ৪৮ টি লাইভ ক্লাসে অংশগ্রহণের মাধ্যমে HSC English Grammar এর উপর পূর্ণাঙ্গ দক্ষতা অর্জন করতে পারবে৷ আর তাছাড়াও এই কোর্সে ১০ টি এক্সাম নেয়া হবে, যা নিজেকে যাচাই করতে সাহায্য করবে,  রিডিং ম্যাটেরিয়াল হিসেবে টপিক ভিত্তিক এক্সলুসিভ লেকচার শীট PDF আকারে দেয়া হবে যা দেখে সে যেকোনো সময় রিভিশন দিয়ে নিতে পারবে সম্পূর্ণ কোর্সটি ৷ See More Details

Appropriate Preposition 
* Some writers sink - into oblivion in course of time. (into) [33rd BCS]
* Wordsworth introduced the readers - to a new kind of poetry. (to) [31st BCS]
* Your conduct admits - no excuse. (of) [29th BCS]
* Many prefer donating money - distributing clothes. (to) [28th BCS]
* There is no alternative - training. (to) [28the BCS]
* Julia has been ill - three months. (for) [28the BCS]
* The rich should not look down - the poor. (upon) [27th BCS]
* I am not good - translation. (at) [27th BCS]
* My brother has no interest - music. (in) [26th BCS]
* He is devoid - common sense. (of) [26the BCS]
* He divided the money - the two children. (between) [26th BCS; 21st BCS]
* What are you so angry - ? (about) [25th BCS]
* I don't think you will have any difficulty - a driving license. (in getting) [24th BCS]
* The children were entrusted - the care of their uncle. (to) [24th BCS]
* The ministers arrived - a decision last night. (at) [24th BCS]
* Are you doing anything special - the weekend? (at) [15th BCS]
* He has assured me - safety. (of) [11th BCS]
* I am not bad - tennis. (at) [10th BCS]
* Men differ - opinion. (in)
* He was absorbed - deep thought. (in)
* I have often found him negligent - duty. (in)
* The police is looking - the case. (into)
 He broke the jug - a hundred pieces. (into)
* I still adhere - my BCS preparation. (to)
* Anger may be compared - fire. (to)
* His house is adjacent - mine. (to)
* He is superior - me. (to)
* He has an antipathy - smoking. (to)
* Corruption is abhorrent - the honest. (to)
* He congratulated me - my success. (on)
* God took pity - him. (on)
* He was accused - theft. (of)
* I never apprehensive - my success. (of)
* One of my uncle died - malaria. (of)
* He is jealous - my fame. (of)
* They had to call - the match as the ground was wet. (off)
* He died - his country. (for)
* He is ambitious - fame. (for)
* What is the time - your watch? (by)
* He died - an accident. (by)
* Please come - my office. (by)
* The teacher is popular - his students. (with)
* I have a savings account - AB Bank. (with)
* He deals in garments and know how to deal - the customers. (with)
* The client lodged a complaint - the cashier (against)
* He is leaning - the wall. (against)
* An ignorant person has prejudice - new ideas. (against)
* I went - great sufferings. (through)
* Many people in this country have no roof - their heads. (over)
* The man died - over eating. (from)
* He fantasized - winning the lottery. (about)
* The virtuous never hanker - money. (after)

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