Outsourcing help bd - The Best Ideas for Outsourcing in Bangladesh 2022

Outsourcing help bd - The Best Ideas for Outsourcing

Outsourcing help bd - The Best Ideas for Outsourcing in Bangladesh 2022

Today I will discuss outsourcing for beginners. Specially Bangladeshi youngers, because everyone wants to earn money from student life for self-employment.
But in the modern world, anybody will earn money from his place or home. If they want, they will earn money without investment. First of all, today we will know...

What is Outsourcing?

Outsourcing is work or service which you can do it anywhere in the world from home. It is a free profession. Generally, we would say it as freelancers. In that, you work for free without other controlling and earn smart earning from it. You can provide your service in any place in the world without permission.
At present, youngers will connect to the freelancers and choose freelancer as a profession

The lists of some freelancing:
01. Coding
02. Website or blog
03. Youtubing
04. Content Writing
05. Graphic Designing
06. Digital Marketing

The Best Ideas for Outsourcing:

There are many sources for outsourcing. But I will share with you which is better for you. And you can earn easily without pressure. For this, you have to be patient because you can not earn overnight. Firstly: you learn. Secondly: You take experience and ideas Thirdly: You work hard Fourthly: You will income
So I think You should work 3 best outsourching as a beginner. 

Number 1: Blogging (Website)
Number 2: Youtubing
Number 3: Content Writing

These three things are the best for beginners without investment. You can lead your life easier for these. You can earn a handsome income for your student life.

Let's discuss:

Blogging: Today I will Share Blogging. Blogging is one of the best outsourching in the present world. How will you do it? Don't worry I will share everything how you earn from this.

In the very beginning, You sign up for blog.com. Then you create a domain or buy a custom domain from any domain provider. This is a slight cost from 300tk to 1000tk. And Collect a theme and set up it on your blog site. how will you set it up? You can see or take some ideas from youtube videos. You will get many best blog themes from youtube videos. 

Then select a niche and write about it. Think a niche what is demand for the present world. You Should take the idea and write about it. At least 30 to 50 posts should be written and then you apply google AdSense. Google Adsense is the most trustworthy site and they will give you a handsome income. For this, You have to write a unique article. and You have a unique or organic visitor. If you get organic visitors and google AdSense provides you earnings. 

If you write a unique article but will not get organic visitors and you had not approved AdSense monetized, you will not worry. Because there is a google alternative ad network. A- Ads is another ads network. You can earn more than Google Adsense. But you have to remember that you have to bring organic visitors.

Affiliate Marketing:

If you write unique articles and bring organic visitors, So you can do affiliate marketing. Affiliate Marketing is the best online income in the world. So you can think of your life as a career of blogging. Unique articles and unique visitors are the best ideas for affiliate marketing. I will write the details of affiliate marketing how does it work?

Digital Marketing:

Digital Marketing is another best idea for outsourcing. Especially many youngers think to run a business online. That means e-commerce. If you run an e-commerce or product review, you should create a website. Much traffic is available online. With social media, you have to keep a website for your business.

Last Word:

If you want to do blogging, so you should focus on unique articles. I repeat you should focus on unique articles. If you bring organic visitors from Google, you will have many income sources. 

Next, I will share Youtubing how can you do it and earn from it.

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